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Genius! Fast track your Whole Family's Morning Routine with a Visual Management Board

Do you find yourself constantly nagging your kids to get up, ready, dressed, fed and out the door in the mornings? Have you ever wondered if there was a better way to do things?

How can they be more independent and act for themselves?

Well that was me last week, so I decided to try to solve this issue.

I leveraged my knowledge of Agile and Visual Management Boards (VMBs) to gamify our morning routine.

What are the benefits of Visual Management Boards?

The advantage of VMBs is that the user can easily identify the next task to work on as well as tracking your progress and achievements in real time. It gives the user clear expectations, ownership over the actions they will perform and a sense of accomplishment as tasks move towards completion.

How did I create the Fuss Free Family VMB?

I created and printed out two sets of icon sheet, that featured images of their main routines- breakfast, getting dressed, brushing hair etc. I added socks to the getting dressed because they always forget that! I personalised by adding different colour borders and then printed them out, giving the cutting out task to my eldest.

They each took ownership of the cards by colouring them in, and after sticking a magnetic backing, they proudly added their cards to the fridge.

My eldest, bright little cookie that she is, had already guessed the game.

Was our morning now fuss free?

I explained the rules and they eagerly performed their tasks. They receive one macadamia for completion of all their tasks and two if they BOTH complete all the tasks on time and with no dramas- we are all for collaboration here!

The change in attitude is incredible.

They know exactly what is expected and are able to take ownership of the tasks. Furthermore they are eager to complete tasks to move their cards across.

You want a copy too?

After this revelation I want to share with everyone who has kids! So here is my template ready for you to download and use.

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